Egor is a bustling Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria. The postal codes for Egor range from 300271 to 300272.
Here are the postcodes for specific districts within Egor:
Place/Area | Postal Code |
Agidigbi’s Camp | 300103 |
Egor | 300103 |
Environ Camps | 300103 |
Evbougide | 300103 |
Iguediayi | 300103 |
Iguikpe | 300103 |
Oghedaivbiobaa | 300103 |
Oghokhugbo | 300103 |
Oviasuyi Camp | 300103 |
Ugbighoko | 300103 |
Urunmwon | 300103 |
Uwelu | 300103 |