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5 Digit ZIP Codes in the United States: American Postal Code

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has utilized ZIP codes since 1963 to improve mail delivery efficiency. ZIP codes, standing for “Zone Improvement Plan,” are essential for sorting and delivering mail accurately. They consist of five digits, with an optional four-digit extension for more precise locations.

  • 0xxxx: Northeastern states
  • 1xxxx: Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania
  • 2xxxx: District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
  • 3xxxx: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee
  • 4xxxx: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio
  • 5xxxx: Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
  • 6xxxx: Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
  • 7xxxx: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
  • 8xxxx: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming
  • 9xxxx: Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Washington

ZIP Codes by State

USPSStateZIP CodeState Capital
ALAlabama35004 to 36925Montgomery
AKAlaska99501 to 99950Juneau
AZArizona85001 to 86556Phoenix
ARArkansas71601 to 72959Little Rock
CACalifornia90001 to 96162Sacramento
COColorado80001 to 81658Denver
CTConnecticut06001 to 06928Hartford
DEDelaware19701 to 19980Dover
FLFlorida32003 to 34997Tallahassee
GAGeorgia30002 to 39901Atlanta
HIHawaii96701 to 96898Honolulu
IDIdaho83201 to 83877Boise
ILIllinois60001 to 62999Springfield
INIndiana46001 to 47997Indianapolis
IAIowa50001 to 52809Des Moines
KSKansas66002 to 67954Topeka
KYKentucky40003 to 42788Frankfort
LALouisiana70001 to 71497Baton Rouge
MEMaine03901 to 04992Augusta
MDMaryland20588 to 21930Annapolis
MAMassachusetts01001 to 05544Boston
MIMichigan48001 to 49971Lansing
MNMinnesota55001 to 56763Saint Paul
MSMississippi38601 to 39776Jackson
MOMissouri63001 to 65899Jefferson City
MTMontana59001 to 59937Helena
NENebraska68001 to 69367Lincoln
NVNevada88901 to 89883Carson City
NHNew Hampshire03031 to 03897Concord
NJNew Jersey07001 to 08989Trenton
NMNew Mexico87001 to 88439Santa Fe
NYNew York00501 to 14925Albany
NCNorth Carolina27006 to 28909Raleigh
NDNorth Dakota58001 to 58856Bismarck
OHOhio43001 to 45999Columbus
OKOklahoma73001 to 74966Oklahoma City
OROregon97001 to 97920Salem
PAPennsylvania15001 to 19640Harrisburg
RIRhode Island02801 to 02940Providence
SCSouth Carolina29001 to 29945Columbia
SDSouth Dakota57001 to 57799Pierre
TNTennessee37010 to 38589Nashville
TXTexas73301 to 88595Austin
UTUtah84001 to 84791Salt Lake City
VTVermont05001 to 05907Montpelier
VAVirginia20101 to 24658Richmond
WAWashington98001 to 99403Olympia
WVWest Virginia24701 to 26886Charleston
WIWisconsin53001 to 54990Madison
WYWyoming82001 to 83414Cheyenne

Special ZIP Codes

Certain ZIP codes are unique and hold special designations:

  • 00501: Internal Revenue Service center in Holtsville, NY
  • 12345: General Electric in Schenectady, NY
  • 60606: Chicago Loop
  • 90210: Beverly Hills, CA, famously known due to popular culture

ZIP Code Extensions

The five-digit ZIP code system was expanded in 1983 with ZIP+4 codes to further improve mail sorting. These codes add a hyphen and four additional digits to the basic five-digit code, which identify a more specific location like a building, apartment group, or a P.O. Box.

For example:

  • 12345-6789 indicates a specific area within the 12345 ZIP code.

ZIP Code Facts and Trivia

  • Oldest ZIP Code: The first ZIP code assigned was 00501, which is used by the IRS.
  • Most Populous ZIP Code: 77449 in Katy, Texas, with over 120,000 residents.
  • Smallest ZIP Code by Area: 10199 in New York City, which is just one building.


What is the ZIP Code for the USA?

The USA uses a system of ZIP Codes, which are 5-digit numbers. Each ZIP Code corresponds to a specific area within the country. There is no single ZIP Code for the entire USA.

What is a valid US ZIP Code?

A valid US ZIP Code consists of 5 digits, such as 90210. There are also ZIP+4 Codes, which add a hyphen and four additional digits for more precise locations, like 90210-1234.

Is there a 4-digit ZIP Code in the US?

No, US ZIP Codes are either 5 digits (standard ZIP Code) or 9 digits (ZIP+4 Code).

What is the ZIP Code range for the USA?

The ZIP Code range for the USA starts at 00501 (Holtsville, NY) and goes up to 99950 (Ketchikan, AK).

What ZIP Code is 84198?

ZIP Code 84198 is in Salt Lake City, Utah.

What is USA ZIP?

USA ZIP is a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to identify locations within the country. “ZIP” stands for “Zone Improvement Plan.”

How to write a full ZIP Code?

A full ZIP Code (ZIP+4) is written as follows: 12345-6789, where “12345” is the standard ZIP Code and “6789” is the additional 4 digits.

What is an example of a US address?

John Doe
123 Main Street
Springfield, IL 62701

How to read a USA ZIP Code?

A USA ZIP Code is read as a 5-digit number, sometimes followed by a hyphen and four additional digits for more precise locations (ZIP+4). For example, 12345 or 12345-6789.

What ZIP Code is 60653?

ZIP Code 60653 is in Chicago, Illinois.

What is the ZIP Code of USA New York?

New York City has multiple ZIP Codes. For example, Manhattan’s ZIP Code ranges from 10001 to 10282.

What is the ZIP Code for USA, Texas?

Texas has many ZIP Codes. For example, Houston has ZIP Codes ranging from 77001 to 77299.

What is the ZIP Code of USA, California?

California has many ZIP Codes. For example, Los Angeles has ZIP Codes ranging from 90001 to 90089.