Otukpo LGA Postal Code

Otukpo, located in the Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, North-Central Nigeria, has a range of postal codes from 972211 to 972261. This town serves as a hub for various neighborhoods, each with its own specific postal code that corresponds to key locations, areas, and significant landmarks. Below is a comprehensive guide to the postal codes in Otukpo, Benue State, along with the areas and locations associated with each code.


Ogwonogba (Postal Code: 972261)

PlacePostal Code
Ahmadu Bello Way972261
Alh. Rasaki Ave972261
Bank of the North972261
Enugu Rd972261
Goat Market972261
Ichama St972261
Inyi St972261
Jos St972261
New Garage972261
Ochekwu St972261
Ochobo St972261
Otukpo St972261
Ugbokolo St972261

Rice Mill (Postal Code: 972251)

PlacePostal Code
Agbo St972251
Holiness Ave972251
Idoma Tech Company972251
Oyagebged St972251
Rice Mill972251

Sabon Gari (Postal Code: 972252)

PlacePostal Code
Agadaba St972252
Ake St972252
Aneh St972252
Ben Onaji St972252
Bida St972252
Idu St972252
Moses Eneche St972252
Oche St972252
Odega St972252
Offitu St972252
Okpiko St972252
Okpoflo St972252
Oloche St972252
Oweto St972252
Oyagebged St972252
Ukpoju St972252

Ministry of Works (Postal Code: 972241)

PlacePostal Code
Amb. Ajonye Ave972241
Ikwe Bongos Ave972241
Makurdi Rd972241
Ministry of Works972241
Motherless Babies N.T.A Rd972241
Ogbaganya Village Rd972241
Railway Rest House972241
G Rd972241
J Rd972241
VIP Rd972241

General Hospital (Postal Code: 972242)

PlacePostal Code
General Hospital972242
Harison Adoka Rd972242
Hospital Rd972242
Ikwe Bongos Ave972242
Makurdi Rd972242
Ogbagaya Rd972242
Railway Rest House972242
Teachers Training College972242

G.R.A (Postal Code: 972231)

PlacePostal Code
Alapa Ave972231
Assa Rd972231
Assa Village972231
Chief (Eng) Agaba Agom Ave972231
Chief Attach Ochoga Ave972231
Chief Ede Ave972231
Chief Ellagbeje Ave972231
Chief Mike Onoja Rd972231
Chief Oche Odangla972231
Chief Ugbabe Ave972231
David Mark’s House972231
Dolphin Hotel972231
ECWA Ave972231
Emmanuel Ajabi Ave972231
Federal Science and Teacher Guest House972231
G.R.A Rd972231
Military Cemetery Rd972231
Motherless Babies N.T.A972231
New Patrol Hotel972231
Omacce St972231
Otukpo Club972231
Tennis Court972231
Warder’s Barracks972231
Water Board972231
Yahaya Ave972231

Post Office (Postal Code: 972232)

PlacePostal Code
Ahmadu Bello Way972232
Licence Office972232
Makurdi Rd972232
Post Office972232

Railway Station (Postal Code: 972233)

PlacePostal Code
Bookshop Rd972233
Glorious School972233
Enugu St972233
Flock of God Church972233
Ibadan Rd (N)972233
Offa Quarters972233
Okobi Village972233
Old Market972233
Otya Methodist Church972233
Railway Station972233
Monica School St972233
Trust Oil972233
Ugeabe Ave972233
UPU Rd (N)972233

Local Government Clinic (Postal Code: 972221)

PlacePostal Code
1st Bank Rd972221
Ahmadu Bello Way972221
Federal Rd972221
Local Government Clinic972221
Ojira Rd972221
Omakpo Ave972221

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