Obanliku Postal Codes are 543601 – 543604. Obanliku is located in Cross River State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. Here are the Postal Codes for the streets in Obanliku:
Location Postcode Amandakureke 552111 Belegette 552111 Belenge 552111 Kotele 552111 Lundara 552111 Old Ikete Ranch 552111 Ugbakoko 552111
North Obanliku
Location Postcode Amunga 552103 Bayaga 552103 Bayatuga 552103 Bayayan 552103 Bebushayan 552103 Beegbong 552103 Blukonu 552103 Bugene 552103 Bukumaya 552103 Busanfung 552103 Buya 552103 Lishiche 552103 Shikpeche 552103 Utuhu 552103 Ablesang 552103
South Oban-Liku
Location Postcode Kalane 552104 Killie 552104 Ruberi 552104 Saw Kwala 552104 Udeshi 552104 Bayabo 552104 Kaku 552104 Bayalele 552104 Bayama 552104 Bayano 552104 Bayapere 552104 Bayasung 552104 Bayatugun 552104 Begere 552104 Bika 552104 Bintebe 552104 Buchan-Unya 552104 Etesong 552104 Ijua 552104 Irie 552104 Irriagu 552104 Kabun 552104
Location Postcode Ofambe 552107 Okiro 552107 Okurison 552107
Location Postcode Ashikpe 552106 Bayatung 552106 Bayobri 552106 Igel 552106 Ikang 552106 Kagbang 552106 Karu 552106 Kigbor 552106 Owong 552106
Location Postcode Baggo 552110 Bassange 552110 Begga 552110 Kundeve I 552110 Kundeve II 552110