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Yabo Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Yabo Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 851101 to 851102. Here is the postal code for Yabo: Kilgori Location Postcode Bakale 851102 Birni Ruwa 851102 Kilgori 851102 Yabo Location Postcode Dono 851101 Fakka 851101 Kibiyare 851101 Muza 851101 Ruggar 851101 Torankawa 851101 Yabo 851101 Bingaje 851101 Binji 851101 Budurega 851101

Wurno Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Wurno Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 842101 to 842102 . Here is the postal code for Wurno: Achida Location Postcode Achida 842102 Alkanmu 842102 G-Bango 842102 Gyalgyal 842102 Kwasare 842102 Lalodu 842102 Sisawa 842102 Wurno Location Postcode Adakela 842101 Chacho 842101 Dankemu 842101 Dinawa 842101 Dinbiso 842101 Kwargaba 842101 Magargaba 842101 … Read more

Wamako Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Wamako Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses postal codes ranging from 840102 to 840104. Here are the postal codes for the towns and districts in Wamako: Dundaye Location Postcode Dundaye 840104 Gidan Buba 840104 Gidan Hamidu 840104 Gidan Kaya 840104 Gidan Yaro 840104 Gumborawa 840104 Gumbi Location Postcode Gumbi 840103 Kalambaina 840103 Kasarawa 840103 … Read more

Tureta Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Tureta Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 852105. Here is the postal code for Tureta: Place/Area Postal code Dorawa 852105 Duma Nasarawa 352105 Fura-Girke 352105 G-kare 352105 Kawara 352105 Kuruwa 352105 Kwarare 352105 Ruga Budda 352105 Tureta 352105 Bimasa 352105 Bimasa Lofa 352105

Tangaza Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Tangaza Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 841101. Here is the postal code for Tangaza: Place/Area Postal code Gidan-Madi 841101 Gongono 841101 Gurdam 841101 Kalanjeni 841101 Kwachehuro 841101 Magonho 841101 Raka 841101 Ruwan Wuri 841101 Sakkwai 841101 Salewa 841101 Suti 841101 Tangaza 841101

Tambuwal Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Tambuwal Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses postal codes ranging from 850101 – 850106. Here are the postal codes for the towns and districts in Tambuwal: Dogon Daji Location Postcode Bancho 850102 Barkeji 850102 Dogon-Daji 850102 Gambu 850102 Nabaguda 850102 Sabawa 850102 Salah 850102 Shabra 850102 Gindi Location Postcode Danmadi 850106 Gindi 850106 Kaya … Read more

Sokoto City Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Sokoto City Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses postal codes ranging from 840212 to 840252. Here are the postal codes for the towns and districts in Sokoto City: Ali Akilu Location Postcode Abbdullahi Kure Rd 840212 Abeokuta St 840212 Aihassan Ave. 840212 Ali Akilu Rd 840212 Birth Rd 840212 Isa Mohammed Wassagu Rd 840212 … Read more

Silame Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Silame Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 853102. Here is the postal code for Silame: Place/Area Postal code Gande 853102 Katami 853102 Kubodu 853102 Labani 853102 Maji 853102 Marafa 853102

Shagari Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Shagari Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses the postal code 851103. Here is the postal code for Shagari: Place/Area Postal code Doruwa 851103 Gangam 851103 Kajiji 851103 Lambara 851103 Lungu 851103 Mandera 851103 Rugga 851103 Sanyinnawal 851103 Shagari 851103 Tunya dole 851103 Aggur 851103 Bulanyaki 851103

Sabon Birni Postal Codes: Sokoto State

Sabon Birni Local Government Area in Sokoto State uses postal codes is 842106. Here are the postal codes for the towns and districts in Sabon Birni: Place/Area Postal code Gangara 842106 Gatawa 842106 Kalgo 842106 Kukawa 842106 Lajinga 842106 Makuwana 842106 Sabon Birni 842106 Tara 842106 Tsamaye 842106 U-Lalle 842106