Kaduna Town Postal Code

Kaduna postal codes range from 800001 to 800283, covering various areas and streets in Kaduna city. These codes are used to identify specific locations within Kaduna North and South LGAs. For example, Ahmadu Bello Way has the code 800212, while Mando is marked as 800283. These codes streamline mail delivery and navigation across Kaduna State. … Read more

Zaria LGA Postal Code: Kaduna State

Zaria, a historic city in Kaduna State, Nigeria, is divided into several areas, each with its unique postal code. These postal codes are essential for ensuring efficient mail delivery within the Local Government Area (LGA). Below is a detailed table of postal codes for different districts in Zaria LGA. Area/District Postal Code Anguwan Juma 810211 … Read more

Kaduna State Postal Code

Kaduna State, located in the North West geopolitical zone of Nigeria, has a diverse range of postal codes spanning from 800001 to 812103. Each Local Government Area (LGA) and notable locations within the state have specific postal codes for efficient mail distribution. Major Postal Codes by LGA Notable Locations and Their Codes FAQs What is … Read more